Saturday, December 5, 2009


“These are the times that try men's souls."
--Thomas Paine
Who among us would not agree with Paine on that one. I mean, he thought THEY had it bad? Does anyone even remember what "normal" was even like anymore after the past year?

 Everyday Americans are now being called into service by circumstance and their allegiance to their Creator to become PATRIOTS WITH A MISSION...

So, my words are addressed to YOU,  MY FELLOW PATRIOTS WHO WILL SAVE AMERICA!

Just as in a bee hive, there is a job for each and every one of us who care about America and wish to save her promise of Liberty and Justice for all.  Some folks have money they can contribute, for some it is influence, others it is character, energy, charisma. For me thus far I have found it is by reading, writing and exhorting; keeping others mindful that WE ARE UNDER ORDERS FROM ABOVE...

BUT All must bow before the King,  For this fight is not just ours, but His.

Make NO mistake please...WE ARE NOT ONLY IN A WAR NEARLY AS OLD AS THE EARTH ITSELF but NOW, that age-old war between the Goodness of God and the evil and destruction that is Satan has become REAL... PALPABLE...TANGIBLE as daily we witness our country  being torn down right before our very eyes.

We are at a crossroads. The Enemy is marshaling his evil minions among us to destroy that which God encouraged for 300 plus years. Our choices RIGHT NOW, TODAY  to fight for our country appear limited.  But are they?

The Bible exhorts in Romans 8:31
"What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?"
I think THIS SHOULD BE OUR MANTRA... We must SEEK GOD, NOW, IN EVERYTHING...ask His counsel on every single item in our daily lives and particularly in ways to combat an enemy we cannot see that is tearing the fabric of our lives into shreds

Remember, this is primarily a SPIRITUAL BATTLE, not a physical one.

So it is going to take SPIRITUAL METHODS TO WIN IT...

Jesus tells us to have ONLY ONE GOD;  no others.... To LOVE HIM and ONE ANOTHER...

If millions of Americans all over this great country 1)turn back to the One True God 2) Seek to follow Him because we Love Him AND 3) treat our fellows kindly as we would wish to be treated , do you not see how we could REGAIN OUR America?

We can't control millions of Americans, we can only control the space around US...our families, friends; our neighborhoods, workplaces, on-line contacts...

The Bible says it best in 1 Thessalonians 5 as Paul exhorts CHRISTIANS TO ACTIONS as the Return of  Christ draws near. Please take a moment to read it here:

 Are YOU ready?


Thomas Paine also said
"Lead, follow or get out of the way."
Which are you?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

TWEETS from Iran

These are interesting times when America has a president who may not even be qualified to have run, students riot in the streets of Tehran for freedom and free enterprise may have ended in the United States. And through it all runs the thread of FREEDOM through the social media that is truly global, immediate, instant and recognizes no borders.